ZEDGETM Ringtones & Wallpapers is listed under the ‘Personalization’ category on Google Play Store. The app is rated 12+ by IARC i.e. suitable for certain age groups/parental guidance recommended. You can download this app without having to pay anything but beware of the in-app purchases for extended features. However, it may also contain ads placed by developers. Android requirements vary with each device for the compatibility of this app. The latest version of the app is 5.56.5 which was updated recently on Dec 14, 2022.
ZEDGETM Ringtones & Wallpapers is offered by ZEDGE. The size of the Android application is 20.89 MB but varies by device. The review of 7.1M users has given it an average rating of 4.3/5 stars. Over 100 million downloads have made ZEDGE the top-rated free app on Play Store.
ZEDGETM Ringtones & Wallpapers provides free ringtones and wallpapers for mobile phones, tablets, and many other devices. A huge collection of ringtones and wallpapers can be used to customize and personalize users’ devices.

Pros of the Application
- ZEDGE exclusively provides millions of ringtones and wallpapers for its user at no cost.
- Users can preview and can also save high-quality audio ringtones from the huge collection. There are alarm ringtones and notification tones available as well to personalize all device sounds.
- Users can manually set separate ringtones for family members and friends.
- ZEDGE provides a long range of ringtones including music genres like pop, rock, rap, etc, and sayings, classic ringers, sound effects, comedy, and many more.
- The app also provides millions of wallpapers for mobile screens. Users can also customize these wallpapers by adding stickers, emojis, etc as well.
- Users can buy the premium version of the app to enjoy HD wallpapers and ringtones from talented and devoted artists.
- There are different categories and choices for browsing wallpapers. These include thermal wallpapers, Live wallpapers, themed collections, etc. There is a wide range of collections ranging from landscapes, quotes and sayings, inspirational sayings, sports, entertainment, abstracts, and many more.
- The new update includes video wallpapers and filters for the wallpapers to even more customize the user’s experience.
- By using the cropper tool, users can, even more, personalize the wallpapers to fit them on home or lock screens.
- There is a ‘Save’ section for saving the favorite ringtones and wallpapers during scrolling so that these can be accessed later.
- The app syncs all of the user’s devices so as to access all of the favorite catalogs with a single login.
- There are special wallpapers packages for special occasions like Halloween, valentine’s day, New year, Mother’s Day, Christmas, etc.
Cons of the Application
- The way too many ads prompts from the app makes users irritated and uncomfortable with it sometimes.
- Users complained about junk files and hard-to-find quality ringtones from the huge
- Collection of the app. Users also complained about the free version that which has low-quality stuff and everything that is good is in the premium purchase.
Download Application From Here
The ZEDGETM Ringtones & Wallpapers has a very unique and sleek look UI that is very easy to understand. At the first start of the app, the user needs to read the agreement that includes Terms & conditions. The main interface of the app is divided into different categories;
- Featured
- Categories
- Premium
Users can toggle between wallpapers, video wallpapers, Ringtones, Notifications, and Games via the home button. The Premium category includes products for premium users only. Users can buy the premium package to use this app seamlessly.