Wi-Fi Ear- Android App to Connect Devices using Wi-Fi

Wi-Fi Ear is placed under the category of ‘communication’ on the Google Play Store. The developers have rated the app content appropriate for 3+ age. It doesn’t contain any in-app purchases but it does contain ads. A device must have Android OS 3.0.0 and up for this application to properly function on it. The latest version of the app is 1.0.0. which was updated on 29 Oct 2019.

Wi-Fi Ear is developed by jStudioDeutsch. The size of the Android application is 1.9 MB. The reviews of a total of 430 users have given it an average rating of 3.8 out of 5 stars. More than 100,000 Android users have downloaded this app.


You will need to download the app on two Android devices. You can set one Android device as a microphone and the other as a speaker. The device needs a Wi-Fi connection to work as indicated by the name. This app can be helpful in listening to a conversation in real time when you are not physically present in the room. You can listen to a meeting without physically joining it. A great tool to keep an eye (or ear) on the younger family members or people you don’t trust. Listen to the conversations when you are working or busy in any other room. Monitor your children from the kitchen while they play in a different room.

Wi-Fi Ear is an application which can be used to turn your phone into a baby monitor to make sure your baby is doing alright. This app can be helpful to know when the baby starts crying in his room while you are in any other part of the home. It can bring you peace of mind knowing your baby is sleeping comfortably even when you are not in the same room.

Pros of the Application

  • The app is free, thus you can have microphones at your home and office without them being obviously placed for other people. Just leave the microphone Android device discreetly anywhere in your home and office and you can access the conversations without being physically there.
  • The app does not exhaust batteries very quickly or take up much storage space.
  • It makes monitoring young children and babies very easy and economical. The app is free and if you have Android devices at home it will not cost you anything and you can set baby monitor.
  • The voice quality is good and you can listen to the conversations clearly.
  • The application works fine even with a weak wi-fi connection.

Cons of the Application

  •  As the name of this app implies it needs a Wi-Fi connection which means you cannot use it in places where you do not have internet access.

Download the Application From Here


On one Android device, you can install the app and set it as a microphone and on another Android device, you can set it as a speaker.

You can search for a microphone from the speaker device and connect the two devices.

Then you can place the microphone Android device in the location whose conversation you want to monitor and then listen to the live stream of the conversation on the speaker Android device in a different location.

However, both devices need to be connected to Android for the application to function.

The voice quality streamed through devices is very good and this app can be used as a baby monitor and surveillance device at your home. The app is free and has no in-app purchases but it does contain some in-app advertisements. A brilliant app for convenience and communication that you can get for free from the Google Play Store.