Unacademy Learning App is listed under the ‘Education’ category on Google Play Store. The app is rated 3+ by IARC i.e. suitable for all age groups. This app can be downloaded free from the Play Store/App store This app offers in-app purchases. However, it may also contain ads placed by developers. A device must have Android OS 4.3 and up for this application to function on it. The latest version of the app is 5.2.75 which was updated recently on Dec 16, 2022. It was first released on 15th February 2017.
Unacademy Learning App is integrated with unacademy.com which is a joint venture of Gaurav Munjal, Roman Saini, Sachin Gupta, and Hemesh Singh. The size of the Android application is 27.31 MB but varies by the device. The reviews of 177K users have given it an average rating of 4.0/5 stars. Unacademy Learning App reached the milestone of 5 Million downloads on playStore.
Unacademy Learning app is an educational app that includes courses for learning and educational purposes. This online learning platform has quality courses exclusively for Indian students. Unacademy also provides learning content for all major competitive exams in India like GATE, SSC, UPSC CSE/IAS, IBPS/SBI, and many more. It also provides excellent learning content for programming languages, English language courses, Management, Finance, etc.

Pros of the Application
- Unacademy learning app is an online platform for passionate and aspiring students for learning and excels in their skills. Students can learn quality skills by staying in their homes.
- The app provides excellent learning material for students by renowned educators from India. That includes over 6.5k educators who are experts in their fields.
- Unacademy’s YouTube channel has over 1.5 million subscribers and over 250K learning courses/lessons which makes it the most trusted source of learning all over India.
- This app provides excellent learning material for all major competitive exams in India that includes GATE, SSC, UPSC CSE/IAS, IBPS/SBI, CAT, GRE, CA, CLAT, and JEE.
- Unacademy offers a variety of language learning courses including programming languages. These courses also cover programming material for C, C++, Java, Python, etc.
- Management courses, Finance, personal development courses, Pre-Medical and Pre-engineering, Railway examination courses, etc are also provided on this learning platform.
- These courses are available at a very affordable price range a lot lesser than any other educational institute. These courses range from 110-2100Rs per course only.
- This app also offers offline lectures so that users can save and download their favorite lectures for offline use as well.
Cons of the Application
- The way too many notifications prompt about many articles makes you irritated and uncomfortable with it sometimes.
- Some users complained about the proper working of the app. Sometimes, bugs and errors slow down the app and its working.
- A few of the courses are comparatively more expensive than what normal institutes offer.
Download Application From Here
This application is a very simple alternative for those who want to learn quality skills and educational courses staying at their home. Users need to sign up using a valid email or other social accounts to use the features of the app. For full and detailed lectures, they need to buy subscriptions. Subscription cost varies according to the learner’s need. App has multiple categories dedicated to unique courses like
- State PSC, which further subdivided into different courses
- Engineering service exams
- JEE main & advanced
- Defense exams
- Bank exams etc.
By Unacademy plus subscription, users can have live lectures from educators and can have an opportunity to interact with experts and clear their doubts.