Swiggy Food Order & Delivery is listed under the ‘Food & Drink’ category on Google Play Store. The app is rated 3+ by IARC i.e. suitable for all age groups. This app can be downloaded free from the Play Store/App store and contain in-app purchases for its services. It might also contain promotional ads placed by developers. A device must have Android OS 4.4 and up for this application to function on it. The latest version of the app is 2.3.14 which was recently updated on Dec 18, 2022.
Swiggy Food Order & Delivery is developed by Bundl Technologies Private Limited following the vision of Harsha, Nandan, and Rahul from India. The size of the Android application is 11 MB but varies with the devices. The reviews of 500K users have given it an average rating of 4.5/5 stars. Swiggy Food Order & Delivery has recently achieved the dream milestone of 10 million downloads.
Swiggy Food Order & Delivery was launched for the users of India to conveniently order their food from the best restaurants around the selected area within the country. Customers can order food from the restaurants of their choice and get it delivered to their doorstep. Swiggy offers delivery of food within an hour to make it a reliable and convenient option.

Pros of the Application
- Customers can easily buy food online by just using Swiggy and getting it delivered.
- Customers have unlimited food choices ranging from fast food to drinks, cuisines, breakfast, late-night cravings, and many more.
- Swiggy offers food delivery from famous merchants like McDonald’s, Pizza Hut, Domino, KFC, Burger King, Subway, and many more.
- Swiggy insures the Fresh and Superfast delivery of food packages within an hour and also offers long-distance orders.
- Swiggy Food Order & Delivery provides ‘live order tracking’ to customers so that they can track the food package all the time from the restaurant to the doorstep.
- App offers no minimum order i.e. customers have no restriction on order value.
- Customers have multiple choices to pay for their food even with CoD, using VISA/MasterCard, PayTM, FreeCharge, and many more. Customers can also pay later using LazyPay.
- Swiggy users enjoy Freebies, cash-backs, Offers, and unlimited discounts sponsored by Swiggy itself and its restaurants and wallet partners.
- Swiggy has a vast coverage area more than any other food service and has the most reliable and trusted chain of partners.
- Its customer service is most responsive and entertains all sorts of user problems regarding its service in no time.
- The user interface ‘UI’ of the app is pretty much easy and user-friendly.
Cons of the Application
- App has a limited service area restricted within India only and has no global coverage.
- Customers usually complain about bugs and functionality problems in the app like refund issues regarding undelivered food packages, unresponsive chat boxes, etc.
Download Application from Here
This application is a very simple alternative for those who want to get their food delivered to their doorstep without going outside. Users need to get registered themselves using email and a valid phone number using the signup option. The app order process completes in three steps;
- Choose restaurants of your choice and order your favorite meal
- Choose a payment method for paying the charges of your package
- Get your food package delivered to your given address
App has many other options as well, like Veg only, bookmarking your favorite restaurant, tracking your past orders, etc. Each restaurant has its own rating and delivery time visible to users so they get an idea of their restaurant services and quality.