Beautiful Widgets Free is listed under the ‘Personalization’ category on Google Play Store. The app is rated 3+ by IARC i.e. suitable for all age groups. This app can be downloaded free from the Play Store. The app offers in-app purchases. However, it may also contain ads placed by developers. A device must have Android OS 2.3 or up for this application to function on it. The latest version of the app is 5.7.6 which was updated recently on Oct 20, 2016. It was first released on 23rd February 2012.
Beautiful Widgets Free is developed and offered by LevelUp Studio. The size of the Android application is 14 MB. The reviews of 25K users have given it an average rating of 3.6/5 stars. More than a million Android users have downloaded Beautiful Widgets Free from the Play Store and the number keeps growing thanks to the App’s popularity which is increasing with time.

Beautiful Widgets Free is a very personalized app that basically customizes the Home Screen UI of Mobile devices and Tablets with new innovative and unique widgets. The app reinstates the home screen and annotates the app icons and widgets to give a more attractive look. If you are the one who loves personalizing the device’s screen then this app is ready to serve the purpose.
Pros of the Application
- The app fully customizes the user interface (UI) of the app by changing the theme, background, app icons, and innovative commands.
- There is a theme collection of more than 2500, available for mobile devices and tablets. You can select whatever seems the most suitable for your device.
- There are scores of premium widgets that include clock widgets, weather forecast widgets, accessibility icons, and many more.
- The widgets are also available for tablets in different dimensions like 6×4, 6×2, and 6×2.
- Weather forecast widgets are integrated with reliable service providers like Accuweather and Weather Underground. These include weather notifications as well as supplementary information.
- The app also offers interactive screensavers as well. ‘Day Dream’ screen saver can be availed by compatible devices.
- They can also back up the layout settings of their launcher so as to reuse and restore them for later use and other devices.
- Users can also download the paid version for a premium experience, moreover Beautiful Widgets Free offers a more than 15 minutes flexible refund policy.
- The developers keep updating the app with new features and more customization options.
- Nova Launcher is a trusted app with great reviews and it can be seen by reviews of popular service providers. It has been in ‘Editor’s Choice’ for 1 year and under the top 10 paid apps. That makes it a trusted and reliable app.
Cons of the Application
- Users complained about the paid updates that the provider didn’t upgrade the app even after purchasing the paid version from Google PlayStore.
- Some users complained about the low-quality widgets and unpleasant user interface (UI) that offers the least customization. A lot of customers complained about way too many app permissions requested by the app to work properly.
Download Application From Here
Beautiful Widgets Free customizes the user interface (UI) of the device and provides unique widgets. Users can fully customize widgets i.e. their icon size, font size, layout, and style as well. The Beautiful Widgets Free main interface shows the widgets list that is subdivided into further different categories like;
- Theme store
- Widgets configuration
- Upgrade
- Manage Locations
The user can manage and customize the pre-set widgets in the ‘Configuration’ tab.