Auto Clean Up -Android App to boost phone speed

Auto Clean Up is listed under the β€˜Tools’ category of the Google Play Store. The developers have rated it fit for use by age 3+. The minimum Android OS requirement for this app to work is Android v. 4.0 and up. The app is completely free to install. No additional features require any in-app purchases either. However, the app does contain ads. The app was last updated by the developers on 30 January 2019. The latest version of the app is v. 2.2.0.

The world of smartphones has simplified our lives to the core. This one simple device has replaced almost every tool that we need in our daily lives. This versatility of smartphones though is a boon, and can also create a lot many troubles. Excessive usage of your smartphone device can lead to issues like:

  • Lagging period of the device increases.
  • The device hangs repeatedly.
  • The battery life decreases.
  • The system repeatedly boots itself.

Auto Clean Up is an app that can solve these problems for you by carrying out the holistic cleaning of the device at regular intervals. This app is developed by Ashampoo GmbH & Co. KG. The size of its Android application is 22 MB. The reviews of 7,457 users have given it an average rating of 4.0/5 stars. Around 500,000+ users have downloaded this application.

Pros of the Application

  • The app boosts the speed and performance of the device by cleaning the device and freeing the memory of unnecessary data.
  • It automatically cleans the device at periodic intervals. Thus, you don’t have to worry about cleaning the device again and again.
  • It deletes all the unnecessary device and application cache frequently and thus, enhances the functioning of the device.
  • Even while you are not using them, many applications on your device stay active in the background. This not only drains the battery but also excessively utilizes the device RAM which results in device lagging. This application frequently closes all these background apps.
  • You can also create a whitelist that would prevent the application from closing or cleaning some other applications which you wish to secure.
  • With automatic cleaning activated, the app sends a notification after every periodic cleaning is finished. Here, you can find the information on the cleaning and work done by the app.

Cons of the Application

  • When compared to its market competitors, the app lacks a user-friendly and attractive UI. Although the functionality is efficient, a better UI would be more viable for the users.
  • The app only cleans the browsing history from the default browser of the app. If you are using any 3rd party internet browser, the app does not help.
  • There are quite a lot of repeating ads that might be bothersome for the user.

Download Auto Clean Up 


Cache data is not always unnecessary. It might contain some important backup info. This is where the USP of this application lies. Unlike other apps where you are required to clean up all the cached data, this application provides you with the liberty to save some data while deleting others. For the automatic cleaning that takes place by this app, you can choose:

  • The scope of the data is cleared.

Using an on/off toggle, you can choose to:

  • Clean cache
  • Stop background apps
  • Clear browser history
  • Use whitelist
  • Control the time when you want the cleaning to take place.

Such accessibility and authority on what happens with the device provided by this application make it unique and preferable among the users.