Gboard is categorized under ‘Tools’ in Google Play. Its content is rated useful and applicable to users aged 3+. The app can be obtained from Google play for free. The app does not require any in-app purchases for any of its features. The Android version requirement for this app varies depending on the device where the app is being installed. The latest version of the app also varies depending on the device where the application is being installed.
Communication is a crucial concept in our daily lives. We communicate to convey messages, ask for something, reply to a particular request and also have fun and share with friends. With smartphones, the conversation no longer needs to be face-to-face. We sometimes need to converse with people who are miles away from us.
However, obvious communication barriers such as language differences cut communication instantly. Gboard is meant to enhance the way we communicate. With this keyboard, users can do several things at the same time and using the same keyboard. Users can search on Google, dictate what they need while the keyboard keys in, use emojis and translate a conversation from one language to another.
Gboard is an app developed by Google LLC. The size of this application varies depending on the device to which it is being installed. This App Has 50B+ Downloads and Has An Overall Rating Of 4.3/5 In The Google Play Store.
Pros of the Application
- The keyboard supports over 120 languages from across the world.
- Gboard helps users to translate from one language to another immediately as they type.
- The keyboard has a dictionary that suggests and autocorrects spelling mistakes.
- The app contains lots of emojis to help you express your emotions while chatting.
- Users can dictate their message to the keyboard through the voice typing feature.
- The app also allows users to search Google without switching to the browser.
- The app contains many themes that improve the user interface.
Cons of the Application
- Some features of the keyboard such as translation only work if the user is online.
- The integrated dictionary sometimes fails to work especially if the language in use is not English.
- Some features of the keyboard such as the emoji are only available to devices with Android version 4.4 and higher.
Gboard has been tested by over half a billion users. With this flexible keyboard, users can perform the obvious keyboard functions with some more additional features which include:
- Voice typing allows the users to dictate their message to the keyboard.
- Translation from one language to another.
- Google searching without switching to the browser.
- GIFs and emojis are integrated into the keyboard.
- Language switching which allows the users to use their preferred language.
This keyboard has been tested and approved by the many users who have used it. Use it to also experience and enjoy its remarkable features.